October 25, 2021 Earl Thomas "The VOICE" Season 1 Episode 18

Robin Williams documentary on ABC  inspired this episode on creativity. What a sad loss he is a great talent & is greatly missed.  Why do some people have creativity in spades while others stay in their comfort zone? What does it take to get someone inspired to develop their skills & talents? On this episode we will look into that & how I have over the years stepped outside of my comfort zone  & developed my creativity.

The definition of creativity is  having or showing an ability to make new things or think of new ideas, involving the process by which new ideas, stories, etc., are created.
Maya Angelou once said “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. How are you using your creativity today?
What is a comfort zone? The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines the comfort zone:  the temperature range within which one is comfortable.  The level at which one functions with ease and familiarity. When I was working in a group home for the physically & mentally challenged  in South Surrey BC I thought I don’t want to reach retirement without knowing whether or not I could make it in radio. Here is how i stepped outside of my comfort zone ......

My Toastmasters' Speech of July 4, 2020 "Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone."

I am not saying to come out of your comfort zone that you need to leave your job & go in a different direction. What I am saying is to become aware of what is your passion in life. Then develop a plan that fits you & take small steps before the big ones come. 
Back when I was at BCIT I developed a passion & joy for interviewing. Then i thought  it would be so cool to have my own interview show. Amazingly I have done 6 interviews here at VOICE POWER  & there are more coming. It is true what Maya Angelou said that creativity grows as you use & develop it.

What is something that gives you a lot of joy & passion for life?               Why not take some small steps & see how you can develop it. There are lots of resources in the community....The 1st question to ask yourself is what is your interest & passion that makes life amazing? Finding your higher destiny is a great adventure.

My offer to you today,  25%  off my regular recording fee all you need to do is send an email to dukeearl@shaw.ca & in the subject line VOICE POWER. Include all your voice production details: finalized script, voice style- narration, high energy, middle or lower energy, any pauses, word emphasis, & production due date.  In the personalized quote I will include FREE a very brief segment of the script voiced. Then you will hear that I am the right fit for your voice project.  Once your project is completed  to your 100% satisfaction I will do a FREE Linkedin post to help you gain greater public exposure. My connections on Linkedin are now at 938.
The more you pursue your creative juices the more it will grow... There is power in my voice because my creativity is growing....

Best regards,
Earl Thomas "The VOICE"
Podcast Host of VOICE POWER launched May 23, 2021

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