Discovering Life's PASSION with JOE da SILVA's SALES Experience & PASSION for TEACHING

Earl Thomas "The VOICE" Season 2 Episode 25
Welcome to  VOICE POWER  my VERY SPECIAL Guest  is an expert &  passionate in  Sales, Toastmasters, & Course Instructor at ILAC International College.

Joe da Silva started his sales career in the summer 1974  selling encyclopedias door to door in Calgary  for UBC tuition. After UBC, he entered the real estate field & in 1979 moved into the engineering supply business. In 1982 he was recruited by a resource supply company and eventually joined them for 15 years. Joe supplied  forestry and mining exploration with forestry engineering supplies in Canada and world wide.

Joe  moved in a new direction and formed his own resource supply firm. Building his  company from ground zero and in 5 years another resource supply company bought his business. Joe was a consultant with the new ownership.

All Joe’s sales experience & success is applied  into the field of teaching. He is an instructor at the International Language Academy of Canada.  Joe is part of the college faculty teaching young adults from around the globe both in business and service with great success. JOE   is very passionate  & loves  teaching.

Joe has developed unique programs using all the best  of all of his training, workshops, seminars, extensive research, and experiences of his forty-plus years as a sales professional.  In order to lead you through the ever-changing landscape of today’s business world.
Joe’s Profile
https://www.JoedaSilva.ca (Company)

My offer to you,  25%  off my regular recording fee  email to dukeearl@shaw.ca & in the subject line VOICE POWER. Include all your voice production details: finalized script, voice style- narration, high energy, middle or lower energy, any pauses, word emphasis, & production due date.  In the personalized quote I will include FREE a very brief segment of the script voiced. Then you will hear that I am the right fit for your voice project.  Once your project is completed  to your 100% satisfaction I will do a FREE Linkedin post to help you gain greater public exposure. My connections on Linkedin are now at 1,000+ & 1,000+ Followers.

Feedback is also welcome at Buy Me a CoffeeDot com.   It's not a real coffee it is a way for you to say you enjoy VOICE POWER. Only when  you want to & I will be grateful  for your loyal financial support & your thoughts & ideas for future podcasts.

Best regards,
Earl Thomas "The VOICE"
https://www.facebook.com/EarlThomasTheVoice/ OPTION TO  Follow
Podcast Host of VOICE POWER launched May 23, 2021

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